design system

Lenovo strategic event visual identity

Creative director // Rebecca Aamodt
Design lead // Melissa Herboth
Designer // Kathy Palmisano
Designer // Yea Hwang

The strategic event calendar starts in April and ends the following March. The visual design system strategy was to create a flexible system using brand colors, imagery, and typography. The goal was to create a coherent Lenovo brand experience for strategic events with consistent messaging and a unifying visual identity. Focus on the mission to lead and enable intelligent transformation.

  • The design system created consistency across seven global events
  • Streamlined workflow with agencies
  • Repetition of common elements saved time and budget
  • Evolution promotes continued design refinement and an increase in sophistication
  • Success and design evolution allowed the visual system to remain in place for two cycles
intelligent transformation pattern
event visual identity system toolkit
event system, Lenovo TechLife
event system, Lenovo Accelerate